Lupin Healthcare (UK) Ltd. plans to achieve Net Zero by 2045. We are on a journey towards a more environmentally sustainable future.
What have we done so far?
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Lupin Healthcare (UK) Ltd. plans to achieve Net Zero by 2045. We are on a journey towards a more environmentally sustainable future.
What have we done so far?
Conducted a Green House Gas (GHG) assessment with the support of Carbon Footprint Ltd to understand the GHG emissions associated with our current UK operations.
Developed a Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) and a clear path towards Net Zero through carbon emission target setting.
Our Carbon Reduction Plan can be viewed here.
Begun the process to assess the carbon footprint of supplied products, which will be incorporated within future Lupin Healthcare (UK) Ltd. Carbon Reduction Plan reporting.
Completed the NHS Evergreen Sustainable Supplier Assessment. The Assessment is a self-assessment and reporting tool supporting us to understand our alignment with NHS sustainability priorities and identify those areas in which we need to accelerate progress.
The Evergreen Assessment is one of several NHS initiatives designed to support its net zero and wider sustainability objectives. We are delighted to be supporting the NHS to achieve their net zero and sustainability ambitions, including those set out in the NHS Net Zero Supplier Roadmap.
If you would like to get in touch, please contact us on the following
email: or call: 01565 751378